Death Note (stylized in all caps) is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. It was serialized in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2003 to May 2006, with its chapters collected in 12 tankōbon volumes. The story follows Light Yagami, a genius high school student who discovers a mysterious notebook: the “Death Note”, which belonged to the shinigami Ryuk, and grants the user the supernatural ability to kill anyone whose name is written in its pages. The series centers around Light’s subsequent attempts to use the Death Note to carry out a worldwide massacre of individuals whom he deems immoral and to create a crime-free society, using the alias of a god-like vigilante named “Kira”, and the subsequent efforts of an elite Japanese police task force, led by enigmatic detective L, to apprehend him.
- death note , Chapter 108.4
- death note , Chapter 108.3
- death note , Chapter 108.2
- death note , Chapter 108.1
- death note , Chapter 108
- death note , Chapter 107
- death note , Chapter 106
- death note , Chapter 105
- death note , Chapter 104
- death note , Chapter 103
- death note , Chapter 102
- death note , Chapter 101
- death note , Chapter 100
- death note , Chapter 99
- death note , Chapter 98
- death note , Chapter 97
- death note , Chapter 96
- death note , Chapter 95
- death note , Chapter 94
- death note , Chapter 93
- death note , Chapter 92
- death note , Chapter 91
- death note , Chapter 90
- death note , Chapter 89
- death note , Chapter 88
- death note , Chapter 87
- death note , Chapter 86
- death note , Chapter 85
- death note , Chapter 84
- death note , Chapter 83
- death note , Chapter 82
- death note , Chapter 81
- death note , Chapter 80
- death note , Chapter 79
- death note , Chapter 78
- death note , Chapter 77
- death note , Chapter 76
- death note , Chapter 75
- death note , Chapter 74
- death note , Chapter 73
- death note , Chapter 72
- death note , Chapter 71
- death note , Chapter 70
- death note , Chapter 69
- death note , Chapter 68
- death note , Chapter 67
- death note , Chapter 66
- death note , Chapter 65
- death note , Chapter 64
- death note , Chapter 63
- death note , Chapter 62
- death note , Chapter 61
- death note , Chapter 60
- death note , Chapter 59
- death note , Chapter 58
- death note , Chapter 57
- death note , Chapter 56
- death note , Chapter 55
- death note , Chapter 54
- death note , Chapter 53
- death note , Chapter 52
- death note , Chapter 51
- death note , Chapter 50
- death note , Chapter 49
- death note , Chapter 48
- death note , Chapter 47
- death note , Chapter 46
- death note , Chapter 45
- death note , Chapter 44
- death note , Chapter 43
- death note, Chapter 42
- death note, Chapter 41
- death note, Chapter 40
- death note, Chapter 39
- death note, Chapter 38
- death note, Chapter 37
- death note, Chapter 36
- death note, Chapter 35
- death note, Chapter 34
- death note, Chapter 33
- death note, Chapter 32
- death note, Chapter 31
- death note, Chapter 30
- death note, Chapter 29
- death note, Chapter 28
- death note, Chapter 27
- death note, Chapter 26
- death note, Chapter 25
- death note, Chapter 24
- death note, Chapter 23
- death note, Chapter 22
- death note, Chapter 21
- death note, Chapter 20
- death note, Chapter 19
- death note, Chapter 18
- death note, Chapter 17
- death note, Chapter 16
- death note, Chapter 15
- death note, Chapter 14
- death note, Chapter 13
- death note, Chapter 12
- death note, Chapter 11
- death note, Chapter 10
- death note, Chapter 9
- death note, Chapter 8
- death note, Chapter 7
- death note, Chapter 6
- death note, Chapter 5
- death note, Chapter 4
- death note, Chapter 3
- death note, Chapter 2
- death note, Chapter 1